International students coming to study in the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board can choose an educational path that best suits their interests and academic goals:
The Ottawa International Student Program (OISP) of the OCDSB provides students with the opportunity to develop their English language skills while working on academic credit courses. Secondary schools provide instruction from grades 9 through 12 and offer courses of varying levels of difficulty designed to prepare the student for university, college or the workplace.

ESL (English as a Second Language)
The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board offers high quality ESL instruction. ESL is a credit course in high school. All international students are assessed and placed in an appropriate ESL level if necessary. Students study English and take regular academic courses at the same time.
- Students take one ESL course per semester.
- Each course is worth one credit.
- Students can substitute up to 3 ESL credits for the compulsory English credits.
- To graduate students must pass Grade 12 English.
Note: Students who enter our school system at the grade 11 or 12 level and plan to attend university will have to satisfy two separate English requirements;
- They must pass grade 12 English.
- They must also earn a designated score on a language proficiency test such as TOEFL, CAEL or IELTS to be accepted into a full-time academic program at university.
Six high schools offer ESL credit courses; some also offer special classes in core courses, such as science and geography, which have been adapted for second language learners.

Clubs and Activities
Students are welcome to participate in competitive and non competitive sports, including: badminton, baseball, basketball, golf, hockey, rugby, soccer, track and field, football, rowing, and volleyball.
Students can also join a wide variety of clubs and activity groups such as band, chess, choir, computer, drama, homework, photography, skiing & snowboarding, and the student council.